E-SHOP te ofrece servicios y productos de la Comunidad Creativa local.  Objetos intervenidos por artistas visuales, pinturas,  diseño de moda,  manufactura artesanal, piezas de colección y únicas, suscripción con beneficios especiales a las ediciones impresas de Revista ELEMENT, talleres, eventos privados, consultoría creativa, piezas de decoración, productos gastronómicos, certificados de regalo para consumo en negocios locales.

La cultura es creativa y la creatividad es un recurso inagotable.


Pablo Vangas, a Panama Souvenir´s vendor at the 2013 Panama Canal Society Reunion, at the Marriott hotel in Orlando, Florida. He was born in their parents way from Texas to Fort Amador, Panamá, where his father began to work as liaison officer at the Panama Canal Company. Fort Amador (Spanish: Fuerte Amador) and Fort Grant were former United States Army bases built to protect the Pacific (southern) end of the Panama Canal at Panama Bay. Amador was the primary on-land site, lying below the Bridge of the Americas. Grant consisted of a series of islands lying just offshore, some connected to Amador via a causeway. Pablo holds his pet Mugen (name taken from a character of Samurai Champloo, a Japanese anime series), a Siamese fighting fish, also known as betta, a popular species of freshwater aquarium fish. They tend to be rather aggressive.

The Panama Canal Zone, an American colony and military preserve on Panamanian territory, was controlled by the United States for most of the 20th century. This highly strategic place for the USA formed a country within a country, a kind of capitalist commune ruled by the Zonians, as the Zone’s inhabitants were known. The Panama Canal was built between 1904 and 1914, when it was opened, and it will be remarkably enlarged by 2016, with a third set of locks which is intended to double the capacity of the Panama Canal.

A Zonian is a person associated with the Panama Canal Zone, a political entity which existed between 1903 and 1999, when it was finished the absorption of the Canal Zone into the Republic of Panama, started in 1979, by the Carter-Torrijos treaties. Many Zonians are descendants of the civilian American workers who came to the area during the early 1900s to work and maintain the canal. Today Zonians might work at the canal itself. Others may have been American citizens born in the Canal Zone or who spent their childhood there. A significant presence of American canal workers remained in the Canal region until 1999. Man